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Class LargeMotor

EV3 large servo motor






Protected _deviceIndex

_deviceIndex: number


connected: boolean


deviceDirName: string

Protected deviceIndexRegex

deviceIndexRegex: RegExp


deviceRoot: string

Static overrideSysClassDir

overrideSysClassDir: string



  • get address(): string
  • Returns the name of the port that this motor is connected to.

    Returns string



  • get commandValues(): object


  • get commands(): string[]
  • Returns a list of commands that are supported by the motor controller. Possible values are run-forever, run-to-abs-pos, run-to-rel-pos, run-timed, run-direct, stop and reset. Not all commands may be supported.

    • run-forever will cause the motor to run until another command is sent.
    • run-to-abs-pos will run to an absolute position specified by position_sp and then stop using the action specified in stop_action.
    • run-to-rel-pos will run to a position relative to the current position value. The new position will be current position + position_sp. When the new position is reached, the motor will stop using the action specified by stop_action.
    • run-timed will run the motor for the amount of time specified in time_sp and then stop the motor using the action specified by stop_action.
    • run-direct will run the motor at the duty cycle specified by duty_cycle_sp. Unlike other run commands, changing duty_cycle_sp while running will take effect immediately.
    • stop will stop any of the run commands before they are complete using the action specified by stop_action.
    • reset will reset all of the motor parameter attributes to their default value. This will also have the effect of stopping the motor.

    Returns string[]


  • get countPerM(): number
  • Returns the number of tacho counts in one meter of travel of the motor. Tacho counts are used by the position and speed attributes, so you can use this value to convert from distance to tacho counts. (linear motors only)

    Returns number


  • get countPerRot(): number
  • Returns the number of tacho counts in one rotation of the motor. Tacho counts are used by the position and speed attributes, so you can use this value to convert rotations or degrees to tacho counts. (rotation motors only)

    Returns number


  • get deviceIndex(): number


  • get driverName(): string
  • Returns the name of the driver that provides this tacho motor device.

    Returns string


  • get dutyCycle(): number
  • Returns the current duty cycle of the motor. Units are percent. Values are -100 to 100.

    Returns number


  • get dutyCycleSp(): number
  • set dutyCycleSp(value: number): void
  • Writing sets the duty cycle setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in percent. Valid values are -100 to 100. A negative value causes the motor to rotate in reverse.

    Returns number

  • Writing sets the duty cycle setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in percent. Valid values are -100 to 100. A negative value causes the motor to rotate in reverse.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get encoderPolarityValues(): object


  • get fullTravelCount(): number
  • Returns the number of tacho counts in the full travel of the motor. When combined with the count_per_m atribute, you can use this value to calculate the maximum travel distance of the motor. (linear motors only)

    Returns number


  • get isHolding(): boolean


  • get isOverloaded(): boolean


  • get isRamping(): boolean


  • get isRunning(): boolean


  • get isStalled(): boolean


  • get maxSpeed(): number
  • Returns the maximum value that is accepted by the speed_sp attribute. This may be slightly different than the maximum speed that a particular motor can reach - it's the maximum theoretical speed.

    Returns number


  • Sets the polarity of the motor. With normal polarity, a positive duty cycle will cause the motor to rotate clockwise. With inversed polarity, a positive duty cycle will cause the motor to rotate counter-clockwise. Valid values are normal and inversed.

    Returns PolarityValue

  • Sets the polarity of the motor. With normal polarity, a positive duty cycle will cause the motor to rotate clockwise. With inversed polarity, a positive duty cycle will cause the motor to rotate counter-clockwise. Valid values are normal and inversed.


    Returns void


  • get polarityValues(): object


  • get position(): number
  • set position(value: number): void
  • Returns the current position of the motor in pulses of the rotary encoder. When the motor rotates clockwise, the position will increase. Likewise, rotating counter-clockwise causes the position to decrease. Writing will set the position to that value.

    Returns number

  • Returns the current position of the motor in pulses of the rotary encoder. When the motor rotates clockwise, the position will increase. Likewise, rotating counter-clockwise causes the position to decrease. Writing will set the position to that value.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get positionD(): number
  • set positionD(value: number): void


  • get positionI(): number
  • set positionI(value: number): void


  • get positionP(): number
  • set positionP(value: number): void


  • get positionSp(): number
  • set positionSp(value: number): void
  • Writing specifies the target position for the run-to-abs-pos and run-to-rel-pos commands. Reading returns the current value. Units are in tacho counts. You can use the value returned by counts_per_rot to convert tacho counts to/from rotations or degrees.

    Returns number

  • Writing specifies the target position for the run-to-abs-pos and run-to-rel-pos commands. Reading returns the current value. Units are in tacho counts. You can use the value returned by counts_per_rot to convert tacho counts to/from rotations or degrees.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get rampDownSp(): number
  • set rampDownSp(value: number): void
  • Writing sets the ramp down setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds and must be positive. When set to a non-zero value, the motor speed will decrease from 0 to 100% of max_speed over the span of this setpoint. The actual ramp time is the ratio of the difference between the speed_sp and the current speed and max_speed multiplied by ramp_down_sp.

    Returns number

  • Writing sets the ramp down setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds and must be positive. When set to a non-zero value, the motor speed will decrease from 0 to 100% of max_speed over the span of this setpoint. The actual ramp time is the ratio of the difference between the speed_sp and the current speed and max_speed multiplied by ramp_down_sp.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get rampUpSp(): number
  • set rampUpSp(value: number): void
  • Writing sets the ramp up setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds and must be positive. When set to a non-zero value, the motor speed will increase from 0 to 100% of max_speed over the span of this setpoint. The actual ramp time is the ratio of the difference between the speed_sp and the current speed and max_speed multiplied by ramp_up_sp.

    Returns number

  • Writing sets the ramp up setpoint. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds and must be positive. When set to a non-zero value, the motor speed will increase from 0 to 100% of max_speed over the span of this setpoint. The actual ramp time is the ratio of the difference between the speed_sp and the current speed and max_speed multiplied by ramp_up_sp.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get speed(): number
  • Returns the current motor speed in tacho counts per second. Note, this is not necessarily degrees (although it is for LEGO motors). Use the count_per_rot attribute to convert this value to RPM or deg/sec.

    Returns number


  • get speedD(): number
  • set speedD(value: number): void
  • The derivative constant for the speed regulation PID.

    Returns number

  • The derivative constant for the speed regulation PID.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get speedI(): number
  • set speedI(value: number): void
  • The integral constant for the speed regulation PID.

    Returns number

  • The integral constant for the speed regulation PID.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get speedP(): number
  • set speedP(value: number): void
  • The proportional constant for the speed regulation PID.

    Returns number

  • The proportional constant for the speed regulation PID.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • get speedSp(): number
  • set speedSp(value: number): void
  • Writing sets the target speed in tacho counts per second used for all run-* commands except run-direct. Reading returns the current value. A negative value causes the motor to rotate in reverse with the exception of run-to-*-pos commands where the sign is ignored. Use the count_per_rot attribute to convert RPM or deg/sec to tacho counts per second. Use the count_per_m attribute to convert m/s to tacho counts per second.

    Returns number

  • Writing sets the target speed in tacho counts per second used for all run-* commands except run-direct. Reading returns the current value. A negative value causes the motor to rotate in reverse with the exception of run-to-*-pos commands where the sign is ignored. Use the count_per_rot attribute to convert RPM or deg/sec to tacho counts per second. Use the count_per_m attribute to convert m/s to tacho counts per second.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • Reading returns a list of state flags. Possible flags are running, ramping, holding, overloaded and stalled.

    Returns StateValue[]


  • get stateValues(): object


  • Reading returns the current stop action. Writing sets the stop action. The value determines the motors behavior when command is set to stop. Also, it determines the motors behavior when a run command completes. See stop_actions for a list of possible values.

    Returns StopActionValue

  • Reading returns the current stop action. Writing sets the stop action. The value determines the motors behavior when command is set to stop. Also, it determines the motors behavior when a run command completes. See stop_actions for a list of possible values.


    Returns void


  • get stopActionValues(): object


  • get stopActions(): string[]
  • Returns a list of stop actions supported by the motor controller. Possible values are coast, brake and hold. coast means that power will be removed from the motor and it will freely coast to a stop. brake means that power will be removed from the motor and a passive electrical load will be placed on the motor. This is usually done by shorting the motor terminals together. This load will absorb the energy from the rotation of the motors and cause the motor to stop more quickly than coasting. hold does not remove power from the motor. Instead it actively tries to hold the motor at the current position. If an external force tries to turn the motor, the motor will 'push back' to maintain its position.

    Returns string[]


  • get timeSp(): number
  • set timeSp(value: number): void
  • Writing specifies the amount of time the motor will run when using the run-timed command. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds.

    Returns number

  • Writing specifies the amount of time the motor will run when using the run-timed command. Reading returns the current value. Units are in milliseconds.


    • value: number

    Returns void



  • connect(driverName: string, nameConvention?: string, propertyConstraints?: object): void
  • Parameters

    • driverName: string
    • Optional nameConvention: string
    • Optional propertyConstraints: object
      • [propertyName: string]: any

    Returns void

Protected constructPropertyPath

  • constructPropertyPath(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string



  • readNumber(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): number
  • Parameters

    • property: string
    • Optional deviceRoot: string

    Returns number


  • readProperty(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): any


  • readString(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string
  • Parameters

    • property: string
    • Optional deviceRoot: string

    Returns string


  • readStringArray(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string[]


  • readStringArrayAsType<T>(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): T[]


  • readStringAsType<T>(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): T


  • readStringSelector(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string


  • registerEventCallback(callbackFunction: function, eventPredicate: function, firstTriggerOnly?: boolean, userCallbackData?: any): void
  • Parameters

    • callbackFunction: function
        • (err?: Error, userData?: any): void
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: Error
          • Optional userData: any

          Returns void

    • eventPredicate: function
        • (userData?: any): boolean
        • Parameters

          • Optional userData: any

          Returns boolean

    • Default value firstTriggerOnly: boolean = false
    • Optional userCallbackData: any

    Returns void


  • registerEventPromise(eventPredicate: function, userCallbackData?: any): Promise<any>
  • Parameters

    • eventPredicate: function
        • (userData?: any): boolean
        • Parameters

          • Optional userData: any

          Returns boolean

    • Optional userCallbackData: any

    Returns Promise<any>


  • reset(): void


  • runForDistance(distance?: number, speedSp?: number, stopAction?: StopActionValue): void


  • runForTime(timeMs: number, speedSp?: number, stopAction?: StopActionValue): void



  • runToAbsolutePosition(position?: number, speedSp?: number, stopAction?: StopActionValue): void


  • runToPosition(position?: number, speedSp?: number, stopAction?: StopActionValue): void


  • runToRelativePosition(relPos?: number, speedSp?: number, stopAction?: StopActionValue): void



  • set(propertyDefs: any): void
  • Parameters

    • propertyDefs: any

    Returns void


  • setNumber(property: string, value: number): void


  • setProperty(property: string, value: any): any



  • setString(property: string, value: string): void



  • stop(): void

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