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Class LegoPort

The lego-port class provides an interface for working with input and output ports that are compatible with LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX/NXT/EV3, LEGO WeDo and LEGO Power Functions sensors and motors. Supported devices include the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Intelligent Brick, the LEGO WeDo USB hub and various sensor multiplexers from 3rd party manufacturers.

Some types of ports may have multiple modes of operation. For example, the input ports on the EV3 brick can communicate with sensors using UART, I2C or analog validate signals - but not all at the same time. Therefore there are multiple modes available to connect to the different types of sensors.

In most cases, ports are able to automatically detect what type of sensor or motor is connected. In some cases though, this must be manually specified using the mode and set_device attributes. The mode attribute affects how the port communicates with the connected device. For example the input ports on the EV3 brick can communicate using UART, I2C or analog voltages, but not all at the same time, so the mode must be set to the one that is appropriate for the connected sensor. The set_device attribute is used to specify the exact type of sensor that is connected. Note: the mode must be correctly set before setting the sensor type.

Ports can be found at /sys/class/lego-port/port<N> where <N> is incremented each time a new port is registered. Note: The number is not related to the actual port at all - use the address attribute to find a specific port.






Protected _deviceIndex

_deviceIndex: number


connected: boolean


deviceDirName: string


deviceRoot: string

Static overrideSysClassDir

overrideSysClassDir: string



  • get address(): string
  • Returns the name of the port. See individual driver documentation for the name that will be returned.

    Returns string


  • get deviceIndex(): number


  • get driverName(): string
  • Returns the name of the driver that loaded this device. You can find the complete list of drivers in the [list of port drivers].

    Returns string


  • get mode(): string
  • set mode(value: string): void
  • Reading returns the currently selected mode. Writing sets the mode. Generally speaking when the mode changes any sensor or motor devices associated with the port will be removed new ones loaded, however this this will depend on the individual driver implementing this class.

    Returns string

  • Reading returns the currently selected mode. Writing sets the mode. Generally speaking when the mode changes any sensor or motor devices associated with the port will be removed new ones loaded, however this this will depend on the individual driver implementing this class.


    • value: string

    Returns void


  • get modes(): string[]
  • Returns a list of the available modes of the port.

    Returns string[]


  • set setDevice(value: string): void
  • For modes that support it, writing the name of a driver will cause a new device to be registered for that driver and attached to this port. For example, since NXT/Analog sensors cannot be auto-detected, you must use this attribute to load the correct driver. Returns -EOPNOTSUPP if setting a device is not supported.


    • value: string

    Returns void


  • get status(): string
  • In most cases, reading status will return the same value as mode. In cases where there is an auto mode additional values may be returned, such as no-device or error. See individual port driver documentation for the full list of possible values.

    Returns string



  • connect(driverName: string, nameConvention?: string, propertyConstraints?: object): void
  • Parameters

    • driverName: string
    • Optional nameConvention: string
    • Optional propertyConstraints: object
      • [propertyName: string]: any

    Returns void

Protected constructPropertyPath

  • constructPropertyPath(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string


  • readNumber(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): number
  • Parameters

    • property: string
    • Optional deviceRoot: string

    Returns number


  • readProperty(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): any


  • readString(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string
  • Parameters

    • property: string
    • Optional deviceRoot: string

    Returns string


  • readStringArray(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string[]


  • readStringArrayAsType<T>(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): T[]


  • readStringAsType<T>(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): T


  • readStringSelector(property: string, deviceRoot?: string): string


  • registerEventCallback(callbackFunction: function, eventPredicate: function, firstTriggerOnly?: boolean, userCallbackData?: any): void
  • Parameters

    • callbackFunction: function
        • (err?: Error, userData?: any): void
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: Error
          • Optional userData: any

          Returns void

    • eventPredicate: function
        • (userData?: any): boolean
        • Parameters

          • Optional userData: any

          Returns boolean

    • Default value firstTriggerOnly: boolean = false
    • Optional userCallbackData: any

    Returns void


  • registerEventPromise(eventPredicate: function, userCallbackData?: any): Promise<any>
  • Parameters

    • eventPredicate: function
        • (userData?: any): boolean
        • Parameters

          • Optional userData: any

          Returns boolean

    • Optional userCallbackData: any

    Returns Promise<any>


  • set(propertyDefs: any): void
  • Parameters

    • propertyDefs: any

    Returns void


  • setNumber(property: string, value: number): void


  • setProperty(property: string, value: any): any


  • setString(property: string, value: string): void

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