This tutorial has been updated for changes introduced in ev3dev kernel release 10. If you are running on an image file from before 2016-10-17 and have not manually upgraded your kernel, you will need to upgrade before continuing. You can check your kernel version by running uname -r. If it does not contain -10-ev3dev- or higher, you are not running a supported version.

This tutorial uses a command line shell to demonstrate how to use the tacho-motor class. Although there are many devices that can be used as tacho motors, the most common ones are the EV3 Large motor, the EV3 Medium motor, and the NXT motor.

About tachometers

A tachometer is a device that measures rotational speed. The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and EV3 motors have an optical encoder that sends electrical pulses to the EV3 when the motor rotates.

We call any motor that can see feedback like this a “tacho-motor”. Using this feedback, you have greater control over the speed and position of the motor compared to motors that do not provide feedback.

Identifying the Motor

Always be sure to check the address attribute to identify a motor (same with sensors). Here is a command that lists the address of all tacho motors…

$ for f in /sys/class/tacho-motor/*; do echo -n "$f: "; cat $f/address; done
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor0: outA
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor1: outB
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor2: outC
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor3: outD
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor4: in4:i2c3:mux0
/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor5: in4:i2c3:mux1

I have a motor plugged into each of the four output ports of the EV3 (A-D) and I also have a NxtMMX plugged into input port 4 which provides two additional motors. So, for example, if I want to control the motor attached to output port C, then I need to use the path /sys/class/tacho-motor/motor2.

To save some typing, I’m going to define a variable for the motor path…

$ export MC=/sys/class/tacho-motor/motor2

Now we can just type $MC for the motor path.

Resetting the Motor

The tacho-motor class has a reset command that resets all of the parameters back to the default values and stops the motor. It is a good idea to send this command at the start of a program to ensure the motor is in a known state without having to write each of the parameters individually. Let’s do that first…

$ echo reset > $MC/command

Position and Speed

Unlike other MINDSTORMS software, the units of measurement used are in tachometer counts rather than rotations or degrees. This can be tricky because for the NXT and EV3 motors, one pulse of the tachometer = one degree. If you use a 3rd party motor, it may be different.

Let’s start by looking at the position attribute…

$ cat $MC/position

If you have not rotated your motor since you plugged it in, it should say 0. If not, we can reset it with…

$ echo 0 > $MC/position

Note: you will get an error if you do this while the motor is running.

Now, turn the motor one rotation by hand and read the position again…

$ cat $MC/position

It should be somewhere close to the value returned by the count_per_rot (tachometer pulse counts per one rotation) attribute…

$ cat $MC/count_per_rot

Speed is similar in that the units are in tachometer pulse counts per second. You can watch the speed by running…

$ while true; do echo -en "\033[0G$(cat $MC/speed)   "; done

… and then turn the motor by hand to watch the value change. You should see numbers between +/-300 (unless you are not being nice to your motor and turning it very fast). Press ^C when you are done. Note: \033[0G is an escape code that moves the cursor back to the beginning of the line so that we don’t fill up the screen with numbers.

The range of position attribute is between -2,147,483,648 and +2,147,483,647 tachometer counts. It is unlikely that you will ever reach the limit.

Running the Motor

The most obvious thing to do with a motor is make it run, so let’s do that first.

To run the motor, we need to send it a command. To find out what commands are available, read the commands attribute. Other motor controllers, such as the NxtMMX may not support all of the possible commands, so it is always good to check this attribute.

$ cat $MC/commands
run-forever run-to-abs-pos run-to-rel-pos run-timed run-direct stop reset

Let’s have a look at the run-* commands.


This command works like “Duration: unlimited” in NXT-G or “On” in EV3-G. The motor will run until we send another command. So, let’s run it…

$ echo run-forever > $MC/command

… and nothing happens. We forgot to tell it how fast to go. We do this by setting the speed_sp to a value between 0 and max_speed

$ echo 500 > $MC/speed_sp

… and still nothing happens. This is because parameters only take effect when we send a command. If we change a parameter, we have to send the command again in order to apply the changes.

$ echo run-forever > $MC/command

… now the motor is running. Let’s make the motor turn in the opposite direction, but a little slower. Using a negative value changes the direction…

$ echo -300 > $MC/speed_sp
$ echo run-forever > $MC/command

… and stop it…

$ echo stop > $MC/command


This means “run to absolute position”. The position is specified by writing to the position_sp attribute. Remember, the units are in tachometer pulse counts, so if you are not using a LEGO motor, then you will need to do some math to convert to/from degrees.

The position_sp should be at 0, so if we send this command, the motor will run until the position is 0. If you have turned the motor many times, this could take a while. We’ll add an extra command so we can watch the position change.

$ cat $MC/position_sp
$ echo run-to-abs-pos > $MC/command
$ while true; do echo -en "\033[0G$(cat $MC/position)   "; done

Note: For run-to-abs-pos command only the absolute value of speed_sp matters. The direction of movement is determined automatically.


This means “run to relative position”. Again, the position is specified by position_sp, but this time the value is added to the current position. So, if we run…

$ echo 180 > $MC/position_sp
$ echo run-to-rel-pos > $MC/command

… the motor will turn 1/2 of a turn. If we run…

$ echo run-to-rel-pos > $MC/command

… again, the motor will turn an additional 1/2 turn.

Note: Using a negative value for position_sp will cause the motor to rotate in the opposite direction. The sign of speed_sp is ignored like in run-to-abs-pos command.


This is an easy way to run the motor for a specified time asynchronously. Essentially, it starts the motor using the run-forever command and sets a timer in the kernel to run the stop command after the specified time. The time, in milliseconds, is written to the time_sp attribute.

$ echo 2000 > $MC/time_sp
$ echo run-timed > $MC/command

This will cause the motor to run for 2 seconds. Notice that writing to command returns immediately. If you need to block the program from running while the motor runs for a period of time, you should use the run-forever and stop command along with the built-in time delay functions in your programming language.

$ run-for-time() { echo run-forever > $MC/command; sleep $1; echo stop > $MC/command; }
$ run-for-time 2

This function does not return until the time has elapsed (it runs synchronously).

Likewise, if you need your program to not block during the time delay, but you need something to happen after the time delay, you should use the features of your programming language for an asynchronous callback, like setTimeout() in javascript.

$ run-for-time() { echo run-forever > $MC/command; (sleep $1; echo stop > $MC/command;) & }
$ run-for-time 2


This command works just like run-forever except that it uses duty_cycle_sp instead of speed_sp and changes to duty_cycle_sp take effect immediately instead of having to send a new command. This is useful for implementing your own PID or something similar that needs to update the motor output very quickly.

Note: Not all motor controller support this command.

So, like before, we can start the motor…

$ echo 20 > $MC/duty_cycle_sp
$ echo run-direct > $MC/command

But, this time when we change the duty cycle, the motor speed changes…

$ echo 30 > $MC/duty_cycle_sp

Stopping the Motor

As we have already seen, with the run-to-*-pos and run-timed commands, the motor will stop automatically. For the other run commands, you have to send a stop command to make the motor stop. The motor actually has three possible behaviors when it stops. We can list them by reading the stop_actions attribute…

$ cat $MC/stop_actions
coast brake hold

Note: Some motor controllers may not support all of these, so it is a good idea to always check this attribute.


coast means that power will be removed from the motor and it will coast to a stop. Let’s try it…

$ echo 1000 > $MC/speed_sp
$ echo 1000 > $MC/time_sp
$ echo coast > $MC/stop_action
$ echo run-timed > $MC/command

Notice how it takes the motor about 1 additional second to actually stop. Also, try turning the motor by hand. It turns fairly easily.


brake means to use passive braking, which is another way of saying that the motor controller removes power from the motor, but it also shorts the power wires of the motor together. When a motor is manually rotated, it acts as an electrical generator, so shorting the power wires creates a load that absorbs the energy.

$ echo brake > $MC/stop_action
$ echo run-timed > $MC/command

Notice how much faster the motor stops this time. Also try turning it by hand. The motor turns, but it is more difficult to turn.


hold means to actively hold the motor position when stopping. Instead of removing power from the motor, the motor controller will start a PID to prevent the motor from being turned any farther. This stop command is really intended for use with the run-to-*-pos commands. It will work with other run commands, but may result in unexpected behavior.

$ echo hold > $MC/stop_action
$ echo 180 > $MC/position_sp
$ echo run-to-rel-pos > $MC/command

Try to turn the motor now. The motor might turn a small amount, but the more you push, the more it will push back. You can actually see how hard the motor is pushing back by reading the duty_cycle attribute. This attribute returns the actual power being sent to the motor (0 to +/-100%)…

$ while true; do echo -en "\033[0G$(cat $MC/duty_cycle)   "; done


The “forward” direction of a motor can be changed using the polarity attribute. This is useful, for example, when you have two motors used as drive wheels. By changing the polarity of one of the two motors, you can send a positive value to both motor to drive forwards.

Normally, the polarity is normal

$ cat $MC/polarity

Run the motor and see which way it rotates…

$ echo 300 > $MC/speed_sp
$ echo run-forever > $MC/command
$ while true; do echo -en "\033[0G$(cat $MC/position) $(cat $MC/speed)   "; done

The position is increasing and the speed is positive. Then change the polarity to inversed

$ echo inversed > $MC/polarity

Like before, nothing happens. We have to send a command again…

$ echo run-forever > $MC/command

…but still nothing happens. This is because changing the polarity inverted all of the existing parameters.

$ cat $MC/speed_sp

So we have to set speed_sp to positive again to see the effect of the inverted polarity.

$ echo 300 > $MC/speed_sp
$ echo run-forever > $MC/command
$ while true; do echo -en "\033[0G$(cat $MC/position) $(cat $MC/speed)   "; done

Now, the motor runs in the opposite direction. Be sure to change to polarity back to normal before continuing…

$ echo stop > $MC/command
$ echo normal > $MC/polarity



State Flags

You can monitor several aspects of the motor by reading the state attribute. Possible values are running, ramping, holding and stalled. Reading the attribute returns a space-separated list of flags, so use your programming language’s string split function to split on the space (ascii 32) character to get individual flags or use the string contains (or index of) function to test for the presence of a flag.


This flag indicates that the motor is powered. This means that a run command is active or if the stop command is hold, the motor is holding position. If the power is low enough, the motor may not actually be moving even though the running flag is present.

Note: To check that a run command is active when stop mode is hold, checking the running flag is not enough. e.g. run-command-active = running and not holding.


This flag indicates that the motor is ramping up or down rather than operating at the duty cycle or speed setpoint.


This flag indicates that no run command is active but the motor is still being powered to hold the position because the stop command is set to hold.


This flag indicates that a run command is trying to rotate the motor, but the motor is not actually moving. This can be caused by something mechanically preventing the motor from rotating or it could mean that the power being sent to the motor is not enough (too small) to make the motor move.