There is nothing too exciting in this release. Most of the changes are for
adding support for a new BeagleBone cape that is being developed.
This release includes one bug fix. Support for polling the status attribute
of the tacho motor class has been restored for EV3. (It is still broken for
BrickPi and PiStorms.)
Here is an example of how to make use of this feature:
Version Info
In this round of releases, we have:
v4.4.24-16-ev3dev-ev3 for EV3. for BeagleBone.
v4.4.23-16-ev3dev-rpi for Raspberry Pi 0/1.
v4.4.23-16-ev3dev-rpi2 for Raspberry Pi 2/3.
You can also find this kernel in snapshot build2016-10-15.
For a more complete changelog, follow the link for your platform:
EV3, BB, RPi or RPi2.